Featured Member Friday - Jessica Bicknese @ Thats Sew Crochet

Featured Member Friday - Jessica Bicknese @ Thats Sew Crochet

It's time for

Featured Member Friday!

Today it's all about a member from The Makers Community, so please check them out!
Thats Sew Crochet logo


What's your name?

Jessica Bicknese


What is your business?

That's Sew Crochet (ThatsSewCrochet.com)


Let us know a little about yourself and your business!

I am Jessica owner if That’s Sew Crochet and I offer blankets for all ages, teethers, and baby accessories that meet cpsc safety requirements.


What is your favorite product to make/sell or a product that you'd specifically like to promote?

My favorite product to make is minky blankets. I would love to start making boxed sets with burp cloths, lovey blankets or a swaddle and a Teether.

Baby sitting with minky blanket in leopard print Valentines Collection at Thats Sew Crochet

Freezable teethers from Thats Sew Crochet shop Baby outside chewing on a rattle teether


Where can people sign up for your email?

You can sign up at the bottom of my website right here!


How else can people find you?

Find me on Instagram (Thats_Sew_Crochet) and Facebook (/ThatsSewCrochet)


Last question: How has The Makers Community been helpful to you and your business?

The makers community has been helpful to me in becoming compliant and being able to ask questions. It’s great to have a community of makers that can help guide you in being compliant.

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