Featured Member Friday - Kodie Borchers @ Threads & Roses
Featured Member Friday!

What's your name?
Kodie Borchers
What is your business?
Threads & Roses (threadsnroses.com)
Let us know a little about yourself and your business!
I am a mom of (almost) 4 young children. Our oldest is 4 and our youngest is due at the end of March. I started my business as a way to do something outside of just being “mom”.
I started creating items that I wanted for my own children and expanded from there! The more children we have and the older they get the more my products are diversifying. My goal is always to create items made to last and be enjoyed by as many children as possible. Longevity is an important part of the aspects of the things we buy and make.
I make my products with pride and will never sell a product that doesn’t meet my standards or the safety standards set out.
What is your favorite product to make/sell or a product that you'd specifically like to promote?
My favorite item that I make would have to be my bunny loveys! They are so cute and loveable!!! They make great additions to birthday gifts, baby showers, Easter or Christmas baskets! They also pair great with our brand new bunny ear teethers!
Where can people sign up for your email?
You can sign up at the bottom of my website right here!
How else can people find you?
Find me on Instagram (Threads.n.roses) and Facebook (/ThreadsRoses)
Last question: How has The Makers Community been helpful to you and your business?
I found out about CPSIA through a friend about a year after I had started my business. I had no clue what I was doing! Joining the makers community has opened my eyes to so much and it’s great being a part of a community of people as dedicated to safety as I am! The Makers Community and Misty are the only reason I feel confident in my product production and my business as a whole! They are always there to help and encourage.